How to use Artificial Intelligence During your Job Search
How to use Artificial Intelligence During your Job Search Recruiting has drastically changed over the last few years. Employers today are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to sort through resumes for each job opening. AI allows companies to instantly search through resumes to find the applicants that best match what they are seeking. While this […]
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How Investing in your Health can lead to Greater Wealth
How Investing in your health can lead to Greater Wealth Our generations are fortunate enough to be educated on what to eat, what to avoid, and know the importance of exercise and staying active. These are all actions to help us live longer. At the same time, advances in medicine to help extend our […]
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Financial New Year Resolutions
Financial New Year Resolutions The beginning of a new year is a very popular time to set goals, make plans and resolutions for improving oneself and quality of life. Your resolution list should especially include a few financial resolutions. Make Financial Goals: Identifying what your financial goals are is the first step. Consider breaking down […]
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Year End Financial Checklist
The holidays are approaching, and it can be tough to find time to organize your financial life. While it seems so easy to push off your financial planning needs until the New Year or group them in as a New Year’s Resolution, there are several financial moves that can be made this year to allow […]
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Budgeting Tips for the New Year
As 2018 approaches, you may be thinking about setting up a budget for the new year. Whether you want to use a physical system or a virtual one, budgets are an excellent idea for every family. They can help you see where your money is really going, and they can help you curb spending to […]
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Tips for Choosing Employee Benefits, Part I
If you are changing jobs or simply approaching open enrollment season for your employee benefits, selecting the right options for you and your family can be stressful. Whether it involves utilizing a Health Savings Account (HSA) with your health plan or deciding how much to contribute to your 401(k), the selections you make every year […]
Continue reading ›Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?
If you search the internet, you can uncover as many articles telling you to pay off your mortgage as ones encouraging you to keep it forever. Why are so many financial advisors divided over this one issue? The truth is that it’s simply a matter of strategy, and what works for some people may not […]
Continue reading ›Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Pension
According to, people live an average of twenty years after retirement. If you are planning to use a pension to fund a significant portion – if not all – of your retirement, are you confident that it is going to allow you to live the lifestyle you want? No one wants to outlive their […]
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Where Your Tax Refund Should Go
While it may be tempting to spend your tax refund on a weekend getaway, there could be better ways to utilize that extra cash. You could start an emergency fund, pay off a credit card, or even donate to your favorite charitable cause. Before you decide where the money will go, consider the following ideas […]
Continue reading ›The Potential Impact of Millennials on Your Investment Strategy
The transfer of wealth from Baby Boomers to Millennials has already begun. According to Boston College’s Center on Wealth and Philanthropy, it is estimated that $58.1 trillion will be exchanging hands between 2007 and 2061. With that transfer, attitudes toward investing and wealth management could change considerably. To help keep your own investment strategy in […]
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